The Lies We Know

RELEASE DATE: 15 April 2021

Moira’s platoon died taking over the Kanfir ships that threaten home. But Moira? Stuck on the last ship. The one headed for the sun. 

She needs to reroute it—and fast—but the ship only takes orders from a senior line officer. And the only one of those available? Currently in stasis in the medical ward. You know. The one with the gaping hole opening up to vacuum.

A light-hearted story for all those who dream of being swept away to the stars. 

The Lies We Know

“Remember, you’re all going to die eventually. Might as well make it worthwhile.”

As pep talks went, the commander’s was down with the likes of ‘Let’s all get killed!’, but he seemed convinced he had a point. The problem was, he didn’t. I knew he was wrong. My whole life had proved him wrong.

Most people died eventually. But life is all about probability and statistics. There are no absolutes. Even death, a penultimate absolute that claims 99.999999% of the population, isn’t truly an absolute. There’s always that .000001%. Me.

Everyone clamped their helmets tight shut against the vacuum of space. We were going into battle against overwhelming odds and we needed to make them underwhelming odds before the Kanfir ships reached the jump for the Euon Ri system.

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Thirty-seven hours later, I was the only survivor, and the captured Kanfir flagship was arguing with me.

“I cannot obey that order.”

“Kendla sentient ship! I don’t care what you think you can or cannot do, change course before we hit the sun!”

“I cannot obey that order. A senior line officer must enter the course change into the log book.”

I banged my head on the soft, somewhat gummy edge of the ship’s interface. “Is there a senior line officer left alive?”


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